I started reading The Many-Headed Hydra: Sailors, Slaves, Commoners, and the Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic about a year ago. At some point I put it down to read another book, and then another, you know how it goes. For whatever reason, I decided to pick it up again the other day. I just […]
Category Archives: General
Return of the Pyrats: Lessons from the Golden Age of Piracy for Concentration Camp Resistance Today
A discovery of a possible ring of anarchist heresy-hunters?
[Dear fellow heretical spirits, below are a few pages I came into possession a few nights ago. I was in the forest sauntering on a cold, yet not too frigid Winter’s night. The Moon, that lovely witch, was riding high and, as is my wont when I’ve over-imbibed those heady hopped ciders of Salem, I […]
The Sacred Conspiracy
(The introduction to Bataille’s journal Acéphale, the inspiration for Akephalos.) A nation already old and corrupted which will courageously shake off the yoke of its monarchical government in order to adopt a republican one will only be able to maintain itself by many crimes, for it is already in crime, and if it wants to […]
About Akephalos, a short introduction.

“O Lion-Serpent Sun, the beast that whirlest forth A thunder-bolt, begetter of life Thou that flowest, thou that goest Thou Satan-Sun, Hadith, that goest without will Thou air, breath, spirit, thou without bound or bond Thou essence, air swift-streaming, elasticity Thou wanderer, father of all Thou wanderer, spirit of all” This is the blog for […]